The Good Friday Agreement, also known as the Belfast Agreement, is a significant document that emerged from the peace process in Northern Ireland. It was signed on April 10, 1998, by the British and Irish Governments and most of the political parties in Northern Ireland.

Often, people wonder how many pages the Good Friday Agreement contains. The answer to this question is not straightforward since there are different copies of the agreement with varying lengths. However, the original document signed in 1998 has 35 pages in total.

The Good Friday Agreement is a complex document that covers many aspects of Northern Ireland`s political and social reality. It outlines a framework for devolved government in Northern Ireland, as well as establishing institutions to promote cooperation between Northern Ireland and Ireland. It addresses issues such as policing, justice, human rights, equality, and cultural diversity.

The Good Friday Agreement is an essential document for peace in Northern Ireland, and its importance cannot be understated. It has created a foundation for political stability and has been crucial in facilitating the ongoing peace process in the region.

As an SEO copy editor, it is important to note that the Good Friday Agreement is often searched for online, and the length of the document is a commonly asked question. Therefore, including the answer to this question in articles or content related to the Good Friday Agreement can help improve its search engine optimization and potentially attract more readers.

In conclusion, the original Good Friday Agreement signed in 1998 contains 35 pages. It is a crucial document that has helped bring peace and stability to Northern Ireland, and its significance continues to be recognized globally.