When it comes to legal matters, agreements and contracts are essential documents that we must carefully read and understand before signing. In Spain, these agreements are called “contratos” and are governed by the Civil Code and other specific laws.

But what happens when you want to express your agreement or consent in a less formal setting, like an email or a conversation? In Spanish, there are several expressions that can be used depending on the context and the level of formality.

One of the most common expressions is “de acuerdo”, which literally means “in agreement”. This phrase can be used both as a statement and as a question, depending on the tone and the context. For example:

– “Estoy de acuerdo con tus ideas” (I agree with your ideas)

– “¿Estás de acuerdo con lo que hemos decidido?” (Are you in agreement with what we have decided?)

Another common expression is “de acuerdo contigo” (in agreement with you), which emphasizes the person you are agreeing with. This phrase is often used to show support or alignment with someone else`s opinion. For example:

– “Estoy de acuerdo contigo, creo que deberíamos seguir esa estrategia” (I am in agreement with you, I think we should follow that strategy)

In more formal or legal settings, it is common to use the phrase “conforme a lo acordado” (in accordance with what was agreed), which emphasizes the agreement as a binding contract. For example:

– “Confirmo que he recibido el pago conforme a lo acordado en el contrato” (I confirm that I have received the payment in accordance with what was agreed in the contract)

Finally, it is important to note that in Spain, as in many other countries, agreements and contracts must be in writing and signed by both parties to be legally binding. Verbal agreements, even if expressed with the phrases mentioned above, may not have legal validity.

In summary, when expressing your agreement or consent in Spain, it is important to consider the context and the level of formality. The phrases “de acuerdo”, “de acuerdo contigo” and “conforme a lo acordado” are common expressions that can be used in different situations, but it is important to remember that only written agreements and contracts have legal validity.